Introducing SNGPC nomination contestant: Krystal Brooks

The call to elect Canada’s 44th Parliament is out!
The Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon in one of her first acts of duty in her newly appointed position dissolved parliament today at the request of the Prime Minister. This kicks off the campaign period for an election scheduled on September 20th. That’s a lot to do in a very short amount of time.

Introducing Krystal Brooks, the most recent nomination contestant for the Simcoe North Green Party of Canada Association (SNGPC)

With the election having been called earlier today, we are not a minute too soon to happily announce the nomination contest approval for Krystal Brooks (Biiwaabik Nibi Kwe).

Krystal is a long standing Green supporter, ecological and environmental defender and activist for Indigenous rights having played a significant role in the publishing of the final report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW2S). As a member from the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, Krystal is uniquely situated to step into the spotlight currently surrounding Indigenous issues and longstanding Green Party initiatives to take ecological leadership from Indigenous communities.

With Krystal’s nomination approved and the writ having dropped today, the SNGPC is announcing that nominations will be closing at midnight on Tuesday, August 17th followed by a nomination meeting scheduled for this Saturday (announcement for time and location to follow) so please keep your eyes on updates as well as a message from Krystal introducing herself to the riding.

Krystal is the second vetted candidate for our riding, as Cate Root had put her name forward some months earlier. In her own words, Cate is “thrilled” at the prospect of Krystal’s candidacy and has since withdrawn her name in order to put her full support behind Krystal. This is going to be one of the shortest elections in Canadian history, only 36 days but we will take quality over quantity in terms of time spent to maximize our impact and for that we need your help! We have enough local momentum, dedication and savvied enthusiasm to make a serious run and make this short whirlwind of an election a memorable one with the potential to truly challenge the historical political landscape in Simcoe North. 

 Please email our SNGPC co-ordinator Connie Kennair to find out how you can help: