Voting for the Green Party means prioritizing genuine environmental stewardship. With a proven presence at every level of government and a commitment to innovative, sustainable solutions, the Green Party is a viable and electable force for a healthier future for Canada.
Introducing Chris Carr,
GPO Candidate for Simcoe North
Meet Chris Carr, your Green Party candidate for Simcoe North! With a background in tech innovation, Chris has tackled real-world challenges—from modernizing education to tracking wildfires. A dedicated mentor and sustainability advocate, he’s helped create community gardens, reduce waste through composting, and even competed in the Water Abundance XPrize to extract clean water from the air. Rooted in family and community, Chris is ready to bring bold, practical solutions to Simcoe North—protecting nature, supporting green jobs, and ensuring a sustainable future for all.
This website is the information hub for both the Constituency Association for the Green Party of Ontario as well as and the Electoral District Association for the Green Party of Canada in the riding of Simcoe North.
We serve and support both the federal and provincial candidates and issues under this one local banner. You may choose to carry either federal or provincial membership (or both!) and become involved in the same way.
The Green Mission for Simcoe North
The Simcoe North Green Party Electoral District Association (federal) and Simcoe North Green Party Constituency Association (provincial) are committed to representing and sharing the Vision and Values of Global Greens within the riding of Simcoe North. We are likewise committed to advancing knowledge of federal and provincial Green Party policies to voters and residents of the riding.
Our purpose is monitor and when possible, call attention to federal, provincial and municipal responsibilities within the riding. We ensure that voters are aware of the ability to support and elect candidates who can represent and champion Green values. We also acknowledge and celebrate actions by all parties when such actions are in support of our values.
Through the joint efforts of both the Constituency Association and the Electoral District Association we will grow the Green Party’s membership within the riding.
Our Vision is of a future that:
ensures the many critical natural features and ecological functions of lands and waters of Simcoe North are protected and sustained with appropriate economic activity.
where all residents of the riding have equitable access to suitable and sustainable educational opportunities, health care and housing.
sees the acceptance of Green values and policies within the Simcoe North riding lead by party membership or adopted by ‘legacy’ parties
In addition to any information updates provided on this website, members will be included in our mailing list for newsletters and notices to keep you abreast of the activities, developments and ongoing concerns in our riding.