Why Vote Green? Because Today’s Progressive Policies Were Green First
The Green Party has a proud history of leading the charge on many of the progressive policies that shape Canada today. From marijuana legalization to marriage equality, many of the ideas that were once considered bold and ahead of their time have become mainstream thanks to the Greens.
One recent example is the NDP's dental care plan, which mirrors the Green Party’s dental plan from our 2019 election platform. This is just one instance where Green policies have paved the way for progressive change.
If you want to see Green policies implemented in the distant future, voting for a legacy progressive party might get you there eventually. But if you want to see Green policy in action today, vote Green.
Join us in creating a better Canada now, not later. Your vote can make the difference.
The Simcoe North Green Party shares these values with Greens around the world.
Ecological Wisdom
Social Justice
Participatory Democracy
Respect for Diversity
For more information, visit Global Greens website.