Donate to the Green Party today!
Before deciding whether to donate to the federal party, the provincial party, or both, please consider which policy areas are most important to you.
Here's a quick overview of what the federal and provincial governments are responsible for (follow the link for each policy focus for more info on the Green position):
Green Party of Canada Main Policy Focus Areas:
Indigenous Affairs: The federal government is responsible for policies related to Indigenous rights, land claims, and self-governance.
Foreign Policy: Federal policies guide international relations, trade agreements, and global environmental commitments.
National Defence: The federal government oversees national security, military operations, and defence spending.
Immigration: Federal policies regulate immigration, refugee intake, and citizenship processes.
Economic Policy: The federal government manages the national economy, including taxation, fiscal policy, and economic development programs.
Environmental Protection: Federal initiatives address nationwide environmental issues, climate change, and conservation efforts.
Green Party of Ontario Main Policy Focus Areas:
Education: Provincial policies shape the curriculum, funding, and overall quality of education in schools.
Healthcare: Provincial governments manage healthcare services, hospitals, and funding for medical programs.
Transportation: Provincial policies impact public transit systems, road infrastructure, and sustainable transportation initiatives.
Energy: Provincial regulations and incentives influence renewable energy projects and energy conservation programs.
Environment: Provincial policies address local environmental issues, conservation efforts, and pollution control.
Housing: Provincial strategies tackle affordable housing, rent control, and urban planning.
We understand that not everyone can contribute financially, but your time and skills are equally valuable to us. It's time to come together and make a difference for a Green Simcoe North!
If you have time to give, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us and let us know your availability, your skill sets, or any ideas on how you might help. Together, we can work towards a greener, more sustainable future for our community.