Social Justice

The Simcoe North Greens believe that real liberal social justice depends on the fair sharing of resources, making sure everyone’s basic needs are met. This ensures that all people have the chance to grow and thrive. We also believe that protecting the environment is a key part of social justice.

To reach this goal, we need to end extreme poverty, reduce economic inequality, eliminate illiteracy, and create a new idea of citizenship where everyone has equal rights, no matter their gender, race, age, religion, class, background, sexual orientation, disability, wealth, or health.

Social Justice in Simcoe North

The Simcoe North Green Party works to find candidates who can bring attention to perspectives that often go unheard. We care about the vulnerable elderly, those affected by the opioid crisis, and people struggling with housing shortages. We also stand with marginalized communities, including Simcoe North’s large Indigenous population, and new Canadians trying to build their lives in a new home. Our concern extends to the environment, focusing on the loss of habitats and those who are unfairly affected by climate change.